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FileVersion 1 AccountID SMTPHost smtp.domain.com POPHost pop.domain.com POPID POPPassword From user@mail.com ReplyTo Name Subject HTML message example Priority 2 MailFormat 2 Encoding 0 Connections 3 GroupedBy 0 Precedence 0 DefaultToHeader WindowWidth 640 WindowHeight 857 BackgroundColor 255 255 255 OptTags State Opt2 Opt3 Opt4 Opt5 Opt6 Opt7 Opt8 Opt9 Opt10 FilePane 0 ReturnRecept 0 CustomSend 1 PopAuth 0 LogToFile 1 Lines 366 Recipients 1 /body <html> /body <head> /body <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> /body <title>Maxprog e-mail marketing tools</title> /body <base href="http://www.maxprog.com/"> /body <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> /body /body BODY, TD, P { /body font-size: 12px; /body font-family: Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; /body font-color: #333333; /body } /body /body .body { /body font-size: 12px; /body font-family: Arial, Geneva, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; /body font-color: #333333; /body } /body /body </STYLE> /body </head> /body /body <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#396D84" vlink="#86B82D" alink="#E7C300"> /body <div align="center"> /body <br> /body <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH="560"> /body <TR height="21"> /body <TD valign="bottom" height="21" BACKGROUND="pictures/Canvas/Upper_Horizontal_Line.gif" WIDTH=21> /body <p><img src="pictures/Canvas/Upper_Left_Corner.gif" width=21 height=21></p> /body </TD> /body <TD valign="bottom" height="21" BACKGROUND="pictures/Canvas/Upper_Horizontal_Line.gif" WIDTH=680> /body <CENTER> /body <IMG SRC="pictures/Canvas/Upper_Horizontal_Line.gif" WIDTH=21 HEIGHT=21 ALIGN=top></CENTER> /body </TD> /body <TD valign="bottom" width="21" height="21" BACKGROUND="pictures/Canvas/Upper_Horizontal_Line.gif"> /body <p><img src="pictures/Canvas/Upper_Right_Corner.gif" width=21 height=21></p> /body </TD> /body </TR> /body <TR> /body <TD BACKGROUND="pictures/Canvas/Left_Vertical_Line.gif" WIDTH=21> /body <P><IMG SRC="pictures/Canvas/Left_Vertical_Line.gif" WIDTH=21 HEIGHT=21> /body </TD> /body <TD valign="top" WIDTH=680> /body <div align="center"> /body <font size="+3" color="#666666" face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif"><b>MaxProg e-mail marketing tools</b></font><font size="+2" color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b><br> /body </b></font><font size="-2" color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b><br> /body </b></font> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="10"> /body <tr height="10"> /body <td height="10" background="pictures/Canvas/Upper_Horizontal_Line.gif"> /body <div align="center"> /body <p></p> /body </div> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body <font size="+2" color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b><br> /body </b></font> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr> /body <td width="128"><a href="MaxBulk.html" target="_blank"><img src="pictures/box_MaxbulkMailer.gif" alt="" height="180" width="125" border="0"></a></td> /body <td valign="middle"> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr height="30"> /body <td width="79%" height="30"> /body <p><font size="+1" color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b>MaxBulk Mailer</b></font><font size="+1" color="#666666" face="Verdana"><b> </b></font><img src="pictures/bluemouse45_trans_mw.gif" alt="" width="66" height="11" border="0"></p> /body </td> /body <td width="50" height="30"> /body <center> /body <img src="pictures/MacOS_X_small.jpg" align="bottom"></center> /body </td> /body <td width="50" height="30"> /body <center> /body <font size="-1" face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif"><b><img src="pictures/MacOS_Classic_small.jpg" align="bottom"></b></font></center> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body <font face="Helvetica,Arial"><img src="pictures/grey_arrow.gif" height="7" width="7" align="bottom"> </font><font color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><a href="MaxBulk.html">MaxBulk Mailer</a> is a powerful mail-merge tool for Macintosh that allows you to send out customized press releases, prices lists and any kind of text or HTML documents to your customers. MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and easy-to-use. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and styled text with full support for attachments....<br> /body <br> /body <br> /body </font><font color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" height="30"> /body <tr> /body <td valign="middle"> /body <div align="center"> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr> /body <td> /body <table width="153" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr> /body <td width="10"> /body <p><img src="pictures/red_arrow_little_short.gif" height="12" width="9" align="bottom"></p> /body </td> /body <td> /body <center> /body <font size="+1" color="#CC0000" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b>$34.90 only!</b></font></center> /body </td> /body <td width="10"> /body <p><img src="pictures/red_arrow_little_short_inv.gif" height="12" width="9" align="bottom"></p> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body </td> /body <td width="100"> /body <div align="center"> /body <a href="http://www.maxprog.com/downloads.html"><font size="-1" color="#666666" face="Verdana"><b><img src="pictures/Button_download.gif" height="27" width="108" align="bottom" border="0"></b></font></a></div> /body </td> /body <td width="100"> /body <div align="center"> /body <a href="https://order.kagi.com/cgi-bin/r1.cgi?3C2"><font size="-2" face="Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"><b><img src="pictures/Button_buynow.gif" height="27" width="94" align="bottom" border="0"></b></font></a></div> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body </div> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body </font></td> /body </tr> /body <tr height="18"> /body <td colspan="2" height="18"><font size="-2" color="white" face="Verdana"><b></b></font></td> /body </tr> /body <tr> /body <td width="128"><a href="EmailVerifier.html" target="_blank"><img src="pictures/box_eMailVerifier.gif" alt="" height="180" width="125" border="0"></a></td> /body <td valign="middle"> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr height="30"> /body <td width="79%" height="30"> /body <p><font size="+1" color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b>eMail Verifier</b></font></p> /body </td> /body <td width="50" height="30"> /body <center> /body <img src="pictures/MacOS_X_small.jpg" align="bottom"></center> /body </td> /body <td width="50" height="30"> /body <center> /body <font size="-1" face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif"><b><img src="pictures/MacOS_Classic_small.jpg" align="bottom"></b></font></center> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body <font face="Helvetica,Arial"><img src="pictures/grey_arrow.gif" height="8" width="7" align="bottom"> </font><font color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><a href="EmailVerifier.html">eMail Verifier</a> can save time and money for businesses who send newsletters to their clients, nonprofit organizations who send bulletins to their members, or any person or business that needs to maintain a clean e-mail contact list.Email Verifier is a very effective piece of software that can verify over 10 e-mails per second...<br> /body </font><font color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><br> /body <br> /body </font> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" height="30"> /body <tr> /body <td valign="middle"> /body <div align="center"> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr> /body <td> /body <table width="153" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr> /body <td width="10"> /body <p><img src="pictures/red_arrow_little_short.gif" height="12" width="9" align="bottom"></p> /body </td> /body <td> /body <center> /body <font size="+1" color="#CC0000" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b>$24.90 only!</b></font></center> /body </td> /body <td width="10"> /body <p><img src="pictures/red_arrow_little_short_inv.gif" height="12" width="9" align="bottom"></p> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body </td> /body <td width="100"> /body <div align="center"> /body <a href="http://www.maxprog.com/downloads.html"><font size="-1" color="#666666" face="Verdana"><b><img src="pictures/Button_download.gif" height="27" width="108" align="bottom" border="0"></b></font></a></div> /body </td> /body <td width="100"> /body <div align="center"> /body <a href="https://order.kagi.com/cgi-bin/r1.cgi?3C2"><font size="-2" face="Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"><b><img src="pictures/Button_buynow.gif" height="27" width="94" align="bottom" border="0"></b></font></a></div> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body </div> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body </td> /body </tr> /body <tr height="18"> /body <td colspan="2" height="19"> /body /body </td> /body </tr> /body <tr> /body <td width="128"><img src="pictures/box_eMailExtractor.gif" alt="" height="180" width="125" border="0"></td> /body <td valign="middle"> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr height="30"> /body <td height="30"> /body <p><font size="+1" color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b>eMail Extractor</b></font></p> /body </td> /body <td width="50" height="30"> /body <center> /body <img src="pictures/MacOS_X_small.jpg" align="bottom"></center> /body </td> /body <td width="50" height="30"> /body <center> /body <font size="-1" face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif"><b><img src="pictures/MacOS_Classic_small.jpg" align="bottom"></b></font></center> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body <font face="Helvetica,Arial"><img src="pictures/grey_arrow.gif" height="8" width="7" align="bottom"> </font><font color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><a href="EmailExtractor.html">eMail Extractor</a> is a very powerful tool to recover your customers email addresses from your mailbox or contact files. eMail extractor is very fast, easy to use and multithread. eMail extractor retrieves absolutely all valid email addresses from your files and generates an output file with only good and well formatted emails without duplicates...<br> /body </font><font color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><br> /body <br> /body </font> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" height="30"> /body <tr> /body <td valign="middle"> /body <div align="center"> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr> /body <td> /body <table width="153" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr> /body <td width="10"> /body <p><img src="pictures/red_arrow_little_short.gif" height="12" width="9" align="bottom"></p> /body </td> /body <td> /body <center> /body <font size="+1" color="#CC0000" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b>$14.90 only!</b></font></center> /body </td> /body <td width="10"> /body <p><img src="pictures/red_arrow_little_short_inv.gif" height="12" width="9" align="bottom"></p> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body </td> /body <td width="100"> /body <div align="center"> /body <a href="http://www.maxprog.com/downloads.html"><font size="-1" color="#666666" face="Verdana"><b><img src="pictures/Button_download.gif" height="27" width="108" align="bottom" border="0"></b></font></a></div> /body </td> /body <td width="100"> /body <div align="center"> /body <a href="https://order.kagi.com/cgi-bin/r1.cgi?3C2"><font size="-2" face="Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"><b><img src="pictures/Button_buynow.gif" height="27" width="94" align="bottom" border="0"></b></font></a></div> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body </div> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body </td> /body </tr> /body <tr height="18"> /body <td colspan="2" height="19"> /body /body </td> /body </tr> /body <tr> /body <td width="128"><img src="pictures/box_eMailbounce.gif" alt="" height="180" width="125" border="0"></td> /body <td valign="middle"> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr height="30"> /body <td height="30"> /body <p><font size="+1" color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b>eMail Bounce Handler</b></font></p> /body </td> /body <td width="50" height="30"> /body <center> /body <img src="pictures/MacOS_X_small.jpg" align="bottom"></center> /body </td> /body <td width="50" height="30"> /body <center> /body <font size="-1" face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif"><b><img src="pictures/MacOS_Classic_small.jpg" align="bottom"></b></font></center> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body <font face="Helvetica,Arial"><img src="pictures/grey_arrow.gif" height="8" width="7" align="bottom"> </font><font color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><a href="EmailBounceHandler.html">eMail Bounce Handler</a> is a bounce e-mail filtering and handling tool that recognizes bounce e-mails, electronic mail that is returned to the sender because it cannot be delivered for some reason, using a customizable set of rules and extracts the recipients addresses allowing you to use them again to try sending your mail or to take them off your list.<br> /body </font><font color="#666666" face="Helvetica,Arial"><br> /body <br> /body </font> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" height="30"> /body <tr> /body <td valign="middle"> /body <div align="center"> /body <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr> /body <td> /body <table width="153" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> /body <tr> /body <td width="10"> /body <p><img src="pictures/red_arrow_little_short.gif" height="12" width="9" align="bottom"></p> /body </td> /body <td> /body <center> /body <font size="+1" color="#CC0000" face="Helvetica,Arial"><b>$19.90 only!</b></font></center> /body </td> /body <td width="10"> /body <p><img src="pictures/red_arrow_little_short_inv.gif" height="12" width="9" align="bottom"></p> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body </td> /body <td width="100"> /body <div align="center"> /body <a href="http://www.maxprog.com/downloads.html"><font size="-1" color="#666666" face="Verdana"><b><img src="pictures/Button_download.gif" height="27" width="108" 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"try before buy" but also carry an unconditional money back guarantee if not satisfied within 30 days!</b></font></td> /body </tr> /body <tr> /body <td colspan="2"> /body <div align="right"></div> /body </td> /body </tr> /body </table> /body </div> /body </TD> /body <TD width="21" BACKGROUND="pictures/Canvas/Right_Vertical_Line.gif"> /body <P ALIGN=right><IMG SRC="pictures/Canvas/Right_Vertical_Line.gif" WIDTH=21 HEIGHT=21> /body </TD> /body </TR> /body <TR height="21"> /body <TD height="21" BACKGROUND="pictures/Canvas/Down_Horizontal_Line.gif" WIDTH=21> /body <P><IMG SRC="pictures/Canvas/Down_Left_Corner.gif" WIDTH=21 HEIGHT=21 ALIGN=top> /body </TD> /body <TD height="21" BACKGROUND="pictures/Canvas/Down_Horizontal_Line.gif" WIDTH=680> /body <CENTER> /body <IMG SRC="pictures/Canvas/Down_Horizontal_Line.gif" WIDTH=21 HEIGHT=21 ALIGN=top></CENTER> /body </TD> /body <TD width="21" height="21" BACKGROUND="pictures/Canvas/Down_Horizontal_Line.gif"> /body <P ALIGN=right><IMG 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